Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolution

   Happy New Year's!!! Before the  new year begins many people like to set goals for the upcoming year. Such as losing weight or many other goals called resolutions. Well I have made one very important new years resolution. I will try and accomplish this one goal with all that I'm capable of just like many other people alive in this world. Here is my very very important new years resolution.
Well to me its important you might think it's stupid.

   As well as writing about soccer I also play soccer. Which leads me to my resolution. Which is I want to become better at soccer player. This is my resolution because I want to make the school soccer team (Which I did not get on to this year). By becoming a better soccer player I mean by increasing my stamina, my shooting, and my speed. This goal is very important to me because I want to be a professional soccer player and for that you need lots and lots of skill. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!

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