Monday, December 26, 2011

International Soccer

   Well, there are many soccer clubs through out the world. Some players are outstanding and some players are okay. These teams compete for cups within their league or against other leagues. But, as well as these clubs there are also international teams. These teams contain the countries best players. For example, the international team Argentina (my favorite international team) consists of only good players from Argentina. This makes international team matches really long, challenging, and fun to watch. It takes really good player to get on a international team. This why most players are not on a international team.
This is Argentina's soccer team logo.  

   So what do these international teams do? Well once in a while they compete in tournaments and for cups. But, every four years there is a major event called the World Cup. In this tough and first class competition every international team in the world has a fair chance to win the World Cup. The World Cup consists many very competitive matches. When every four years there is a World Cup many fans go crazy! By this I mean they might paint their bodies with their favorites teams colors, there are many other crazy things people do to show their team spirit, it would take me hours to tell you all of them. Here are all of the World Cup title holders!

  •  Brazil: 5
  •  Italy: 4
  •  Germany: 3
  •  Argentina: 2
  •  Uruguay: 2
  •  England: 1
  •  France: 1
  •  Spain: 1

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