Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hurricane Irene vs. Super Storm Sandy

   Imagine the wind blowing over 70 mph, destroying everything in it's path. The waves devouring the shore at record heights. Rain hammering the surface causing devastating floods.This natural disaster is called a hurricane, New Jersey has experienced these type of storms many times before. But, two very recent super storms, Irene and Sandy, have caused a prodigious loss to the myriad amount of people in New Jersey and other states along the east coast of the USA. Although both of these storms caused disasters through out NJ, they differed in terms of in what ways each storm effected New Jersey.

   These storms were both very harsh on New Jersey both they ended up effecting NJ differently. For example, lets start with hurricane Irene. Irene mainly effected us with coastal flooding and with the record amounts of rain. After Irene a huge amount of peoples house were half way submerged in water, It took some people a full year to recover from this catastrophe. Then about 13 months later super storm Sandy made land fall on NJ, bringing history making high winds, and massive storm surge. After this super storm almost the entire state of New Jersey was left sitting in their freezing houses with no power because of fallen power lines, and almost all the famous boardwalks were partially destroyed. Both these storms wrecked the state of New Jersey in many ways but as you can see now each storm effected us differently. Today many people around New Jersey are still recovering the combined damage of both of these powerful storms.  

Hurricane Irene Flooding
Super Storm Sandy High Wind Damage



  1. Your essay was great nice detail! :)

  2. great essay i especially liked your introduction
