Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Apprentice blog response to task two article

   In this article(Article)about having single gender classes in middle school, it states that that teachers would like to know if students would be more successful and more happier with single gender classes in middle school. After I read through the article and some information on this website,(Website) I have formed an answer to this question, after thinking through my options.

   In my opinion I think everything should go the way it is going right now, where we have mixed gender classes and I have many reasons for choosing this answer. First of all by having mixed gender middle school classes, boys and girls both learn how to work with each other which helps them learn how to work with different types of people. This will also help them when they grow up because in most jobs you need to work with different genders. Also It will be hard to make this change because so many people will protest against this idea if it is ever used. Now after reading this what would you pick?

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