Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich

   Have you ever wanted to have a quick, easy to make sandwich? Well, if you do have come to the right place. A peanut butter sandwich is a quick easy to make sandwich that is good for an after school or maybe even after job snack. In this post I will teach you how to make a peanut butter sandwich.

   In order to make this sandwich all you need is a butter knife, a jar of peanut butter, two slices of bread, a plate, and space to work. You will need to use the butter knife as a tool and the plate for what you will work on. The rest of the items are used as ingredients.

   First, you will need to gather all the materials listed above and find a space to work. Once you have done that you have to place your plate in the work space you have selected and then put the slices of bread on the plate. After this you have to take the jar of peanut butter and open it. Then, take your butter knife and put it into the jar and take some peanut butter out. Next, take a slice of bread from the plate with your other hand and use the knife to spread the peanut butter that you took onto the slice of bread you have in your hand. Make sure every part of the bred is covered on that one side you chose only. Next you take the other slice of bread and put it together with the slice in your hand so that the peanut butter side is towards the inside. 
This is what the one side of your sandwich should look like.
   After completing these steps you are ready to enjoy your new self made snack. Have fun!        

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