Sunday, October 21, 2012

New York vs. California

   New York and California, two places I have visited, two extremely enjoyable and entertaining destinations, and two places that people often have to decide between. Many people from other countries hear about these place sand dream to go there. These places are amazing travel locations there are many similar and different things about each place. Both these places differ in terms of climate but have some similarities in their attractions and famous cities.

   The climate of these places are very different. Let's start with the big apple (N.Y.) their average 90 degree summer and their snowy and gelid and winters. While on the the other hand, in the Golden State many residents have never even seen snow. The climate in California is mainly scorching hot and in the winter temperature seldom goes below 40 degrees. Now let's take a look the attractions and famous cities in these grandiose places. In New York there is the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, The Museum of National History, and etc. In the El Dorado state there are fabulous attractions such as Hollywood  the Golden Gate Bridge, Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, and and many more. Even after all these extraordinary sites both these states have extremely exalted cities within them. For example, California has San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. While in New York there is the one and only New York City. Now that you know so much about these magnificent places..... Which one will you choose!!!        


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Two Frogs OER

   In the passage, "The Two Frogs" which was written by Andrew Lang, many words could be used to describe two frogs and their characters. In the passage, before the frogs started their extraordinary journey , the idea of going on this journey came into both of the frogs at the same time, and even after this much similarity both the frogs decide to leave their hometowns at the same exact time, the next morning. Therefore, the words I am going to use to describe both of these frogs are the words curious and similar. I chose these word because as I stated before both of the frogs have similar ideas and they both wanted to explore new places. Also in the text it states that, "Funnily enough, the idea came into both of their heads at once, that they should see a little more of the outside world." This demonstrates that they both are very alike and they both also get very similar ideas.

   Also in this passage the frogs came to the wrong conclusion. According to the text I think was because when the frogs went up on their hind legs they were looking the wrong way and they ended up looking the wrong way at their own towns. Also, in the text it states that, "But the foolish things forgot that when they stood their great eyes lay in the back of their heads, and though their noses might have been pointing to their destinations, their eyes beheld the places from which they had come." This proves that they were looking at their own town The message I got from this story was that don't judge a place by what it looks like. this message is very similar to a very famous quote I know of,
"Don't judge a book by it's cover."